Giving Options
For many, a charitable bequest is a unique expression of appreciation for what public broadcasting brings to our lives and our communities. The thoughtfulness of individuals who have made planned gifts to Friends of OETA, Inc. has helped sustain and grow public television programs and services for over 65 years. Through your will or estate plan, you can name Friends of OETA, Inc. as the beneficiary of your estate or a portion of your estate. Your bequest provides an enduring legacy that will live on to uphold the standards of public broadcasting in our state for the benefit of others in the years to come. Click here for a Personal Estate Planning Guide to assist you in your gift to OETA.
Some questions to consider:
- Do you have a will set up?
- Are you currently thinking about your entire estate?
- How would you like to split up your assets?
- Do you have a financial or estate planner?
- What are your philanthropic goals?
Planned Giving Information
Mairead Todd
Vice President of Development
(405) 841-9215
For all legal purposes, please refer to our organization as:
Friends of OETA
7403 North Kelley Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73111
Federal Tax ID: 83-2527901
Your Gift Planning Options
Questions? Please call Mairead Todd, Vice President of Development, at 405-841-9215; email mtodd@oeta.tv.
We know that OETA isn’t the only thing in your life. After taking care of family and friends there is still much to consider, and we're grateful you may be considering us. Click here for sample planned giving language.
Gifts of Securities
Donating appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual funds is quick and simple and may provide you with significant tax benefits. OETA’s financial partners at Heritage Trust with Argent Financial Group can help with facilitating these types of gifts.
Please ensure your gift is made payable to Friends of OETA (Tax ID: 83-2527901).
Make the Most of Your IRA
IRA owners age 70½ or over have the option to transfer up to $100,000 to a charity of their choice tax-free each year. These transfers, known as Qualified Charitable Distributions or QCDs, offer eligible older Americans a great way to easily give to charity before the end of the year.
Any IRA owner who wishes to make a QCD for the year should contact their IRA trustee with enough time to complete the transaction before the end of the year.
Please ensure your gift is made payable to Friends of OETA (Tax ID: 83-2527901).
Gifts of Retirement Assets or Financial Accounts
You can help preserve OETA for future generations by simply signing your name. In some cases, naming Friends of OETA as a beneficiary on your retirement account, bank or brokerage account, or life insurance policy, can be more advantageous rather than gifting the assets during your lifetime. Under this option, the charity—not you—will be treated as receiving the distribution; therefore, neither you nor your estate will owe income taxes on the amount.
As with QCDs, it’s always best to consult with your IRA trustee to explore this gifting option.
Please ensure your gift is made payable to Friends of OETA (Tax ID: 83-2527901).
Gifts in Your Will or Living Trust
Leave a gift that costs you nothing now. You can take care of your loved ones while also making a lasting impact in protecting thoughtful and thought-provoking media for the benefit of us all.
Simply include Friends of OETA in your will or living trust to receive a specific amount or percentage of your assets. Or, name us a contingent beneficiary, so Friends of OETA is included along with your loved ones. Click here for a sample planned giving language.
Please ensure your gift is made payable to Friends of OETA (Tax ID: 83-2527901).
Gifts of Real Estate or Minerals
An asset you've had for generations can be a gift for generations to come. By donating all or part of your property or mineral rights to the Friends of OETA, you may be able to reduce your capital gains tax and receive an income tax deduction—and you may even be able to continue to use or live on the property.
OETA’s financial partners at Heritage Trust with Argent Financial Group can help with facilitating these types of gifts.
Gifts of Annuities & Charitable Remainder Trusts
A charitable gift annuity is another way to make a gift of support to OETA. With a charitable gift annuity, you agree to make a gift to OETA and, in return, you (and/or someone else, if you choose) are paid a fixed amount each year for the rest of your life. The balance is used to support our work. This type of donation can provide you with regular payments for life and allow OETA to further our mission. OETA partners with the Oklahoma City Community Foundation with gifts of annuity. Please contact our office for details.
A charitable reminder trust is similar to an annuity, except the payout from your gift is not a fixed amount. For this type of gift, OETA partners with Heritage Trust. Again, please contact our office for more details and a deeper discussion.
Partnering with the Oklahoma City Community Foundation
Friends of OETA has partnered with the Oklahoma City Community (OCCF) to help facilitate some of your gift planning options. Gifts may be designated to Friends of OETA and will be used to support the work of OETA.
For Professional Advisers
We welcome the opportunity to assist you as you create your client’s philanthropic objectives into well-crafted estate plans. Please feel free to contact us directly for information or assistance on a confidential basis. Please ensure your gift is made payable to Friends of OETA (Tax ID: 83-2527901).
Tell Us About Your Gift
As with most planned gifts that fall within the scope of what’s been outlined on this site, it is always best to consult with your financial planner or a CPA when making charitable giving decisions. And OETA is always happy to answer any questions that you may have along the way.
If you plan to leave a gift to preserve OETA for future generations—or have already done so—please let us know. We would love the chance to say thank you! Your gift can inspire others to consider a similar gift to the Friends of OETA.