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Vance AFB

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A few weeks ago we stepped foot onto Vance AFB  --  home of the 71st Flying Training Wing. We got to learn about some sweet aircraft for our new season coming next year.


We did run into some obstacles along the way -- cold rain on day 1, being on the runway with our hats and sunglasses on (Silly Jeff. Gotta watch that FOD!), and accidently running into a phone to sound an emergency can’t take Vicky anywhere). SMH

We even had a pretty awesome chaperone with us named Corey. He escorted us around the base. Since we were walking around in “civilian” clothes and carrying a bunch of camera gear, we looked kinda suspicious. Thanks for having our backs, Corey!

We also got to meet some awesome trainer pilots -- Derek & Michelle. They told us all about the T-38 Talon and T6 Texan aircraft!


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Some stats on the T-6A II Texan aircraft: 

  • T-6 is a single-engine, two-seat trainer used for Joint Primary Pilot Training (JPPT) to teach students in basic flying skills to advance to the next training
  • PT6A-68 turbo-prop engine that delivers 1,100 horsepower (that’s a LOT of horses)
  • Climbs 3,100 feet per minute and can reach 18,000 feet in less than six minutes.
  • Speed: 320 mph

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If you thought that was impressive, check out what the T-38 can do:

  • T-38 is a twin-engine, supersonic jet trainer and used for joint specialized undergrad training
  • Two General Electric J85-GE-5 turbojet engines with afterburners
  • Climbs from sea level to nearly 30,000 feet in one minute and needs about 2,300 feet of runway to take off. WOWZA
  • Speed: 812 mph


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One last aircraft we learned about was T-1A Jayhawk:

  • T-1 is a medium-range, twin-engine used for the advanced phase of undergrad pilot training
  • Two JT15D-5B turbofan engines
  • Speed: 538 mph


We want to thank all of Vance AFB for letting us visit and film some awesome material. Stay tuned for “What’s The Deal?” season 3 – “Air and Space”!!

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